Tips on how to keep winning.
There is no better way to start this wonderful piece without this lovely quote by Paul Bryant, “Winning isn’t everything, but it beats anything that comes in second.” That’s it there is never going to be a better way to say this over and over than the way it is. Everyone was born a winner, but the ability to keep winning at all times is what we need. In failure is winning, that’s the only way, you can not see winning in failure, there are absolutely no two ways to that, right in the midst of that failure is a lot of lessons learnt, lessons needed to propel you towards achieving your next great win. You will agree with me that it feels so good to win, we all love winning at all times and that’s just the way it should be even though reality might tell us it isn’t visible which you will agree is true. Winning isn’t everything, but it beats anything that comes in second.
Here I am going to be focusing on and giving up tips on how we can keep winning, how we can continue to win when we carefully follow these laid down proven principles. You must also know that winning comes from the inside, if you have ever doubted yourself, or you have been doubting yourself if you were ever going to win in any way or anything, you will agree that 85% of the time we doubt our win we get the results of our doubts. So what I’m saying in essence is that winning is from the inside, if you can’t win within yourself, it is somewhat difficult to win on the outside. We one way or the other contribute to our winning or winnings.
Tips to start and keep winning on the inside: The very first thing to do is to be responsible for yourself and to yourself. You have to be responsible, take full responsibility for yourself, if you want to win do the hard work yourself, go through the pain yourself and enjoy the results. The popular Juventus player Christiano Ronaldo is one of the millions of other people that takes full responsibility for themselves, research shows he is a trained footballer, he didn’t have the talent, but yet he developed himself and is doing wonders.
Listening and learning from other successful people is also one of the tips to keep winning, what do you do when you have the opportunity to have a conversation with successful individuals from different walks of life. Do you ask questions that will help you in your own success journey, or all you are after are all other random talks accompanied by a selfie? It is lovely to take a selfie with one’s favourites, role models, and mentors. But then is that your main priority or second, quickly I will mention few things to look out for whenever you have the chance to come in contact with your favourites. You need to look out for Excellence, Commitment, Integrity, Attitudes, Time Management, Energy, Peace in your life. If you are ever successful in getting these few things from such people you are a step closer to your big win. Always make the time count.
Here is another important tip you don’t want to miss. Do not try to be perfect, what do I mean by this, I mean what you read, because the more you try to make everything perfect before you act, exhibit, or launch out the more it keeps getting difficult to accomplish. It always keeps one from being creative. It denies you from ever getting started, the more you want to start, the more you feel there is something still missing that needs to be fixed, and it keeps on going round and round denying you from being productive. Let me leave you with this, it distracts you from your purpose, it makes it unattainable, you feel you are never ready and it is not the right time. A perfectionist always and will always end up complaining no matter the hard work they put in getting their very best of a thing or project.
Do not make excuses, excuses are not accepted if you intend to win or be a winner at all times. I will leave you with this great and powerful quote from Vince Lombardi “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all-time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.”