It’s never too late to start.

Olalekan Adeeko
3 min readJul 12, 2021

Often times we all have had this same song played over and over in our heads, “Time lost can not be regained.” Maybe it is true maybe it is not. This then leads to the question “What is time?” Does anyone understand what time really is? But really I feel and realize our idea of time is has it’s programmed and regulated by our different time counters, talk of the different Seasons, Sundials, Watches, Wall-clocks, and any other time counters. No one can tell what time is, and the truth is because time is timeless, it’s eternity, infinity. You can’t talk about time without first having an understanding of it.

Here’s a little secret of or about time I found out. I didn’t want to go with my knowledge or should I say the general knowledge of time which I had so i consulted the all-knowing machine (Google). To my surprise the definition of time i saw was very different, different from the knowledge of time i already had, I was stuck there just thinking about how to decipher what i saw. The definition of time according to Google is “Time is the infinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future regarded as a whole.” So after reading this just like i said earlier i took out my time to decipher what we just read together and all i could bring out from the meaning of time is there is just one person who is the full definition of time itself. Just one person! Now our Sundials, Watches, Wall-clocks can’t fit in this definition as they are just the measuring aids for time. The one person who fits in this definition is the creator.

So if the creator is the supreme being that only fits this definition of time then is the notion still correct? “Time lost can not be regained.” With the proper understanding of the definition of time, I would say it is not. You can regain your lost years if you really want to have them back, there might have been a lot of things you just solely had wished you had done, it is never too late to start out. You can start now. You might have wasted your time in an unfruitful marriage, you can still have the best one, you might have wasted a lot of time in your career doing the opposite of what you would have loved to do, you can still, do it. Peradventure you might have wasted time in the area of your education. I am aware of the feelings attached to the inability to do things as at when needed or due but then i will tell you more clearly and louder, It is never too late to kick start again. You might be saying to yourself, time is not on my side, how will i get this done, I don’t have the strength again, how will this happen, what will people say, how will i fit in. The genuine answer to all of these excuses simply is, you are who you say you are, and if you think you can then you can do just anything you want to do, even now when you now know the real definition of time.

I was so happy to hear the great news about a man that graduated from the university at the age of 67 years. Yes, you saw that, his name, Frederick Olaseinde. He bagged his first bachelor’s degree at Covenant University in Nigeria with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.52. This happened in the month of May this year. To him, the time lost has been regained. If there are things you wished you had done, take a step to bring them back to life. Don’t be deceived by timings, because time itself is eternity.



Olalekan Adeeko

I’m an author, a podcaster and also an entrepreneur. I am also an advocate for girl child literacy as well as gender equality in the society.